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Prioritize Your Health With LowT Clinic Throughout Arizona

PRP Therapy Is Available

Prioritize Your Health With LowT Clinic Throughout Arizona

PRP Therapy Is Available

Prioritize Your Health With LowT Clinic Throughout Arizona

PRP Therapy Is Available

Convenient Telemedicine Clinic for Men and Women

Welcome to The LowT Clinic. We’re proud to provide men and women throughout Arizona with convenient and affordable healthcare options right from the comfort of their own homes. We have self-injection and telehealth options to help you keep your health a priority. Our team specializes in low testosterone and sleep apnea treatments by administering at-home testing with accurate results. Call us today to schedule an appointment and start getting the healthcare you deserve without ever having to leave the couch!

A women wearing a helmet sitting next to bicycle

How We Work

At The LowT Clinic, you are free to choose how you would like your healthcare delivered. We can help you learn about medication and healthcare from the comfort of your own home. Or, you can feel free to visit us in office for acute illness appointments or shot administrations.

Easy Four-Step Plan

Our treatment process is simple!

1. Health Assessment

During this initial quick visit, you will complete a comprehensive men’s health assessment with bloodwork and other vital measuring.

2. Personalized Plan

On your second visit, a medical provider will meet with you to discuss your lab results, health assessment, and create goals for a personalized treatment plan that’s unique to you. This process also only takes less than an hour.

3. Treatment Regimen

Based on your individual needs, you will put your plan into action. Typically, testosterone patients typically return every seven to 10 days, while sleep apnea and thyroid patients visit less frequently.

4. Optimization & Prevention

We’ll stay up-to-date on your progress throughout your treatment plan, checking in on regular labs and feedback from you.

Why Is The LowT Clinic Right for You?

We believe that access to your provider is paramount to following a successful health regimen. We also know that you are busy and provide telemedicine visits from the comfort from your home or mobile device. The best part is that this service is included in your HRT cost. It includes the management of your therapy and any condition that you would see a general practitioner. In addition to your HRT, we treat a wide variety of men’s health issues. We are a primary care clinic for men and women.

The LowT Clinic


6565 E Carondelet Drive, STE 301 Tucson, AZ 85710

2055 West Hospital Drive, suite 145, Tucson. AZ 85704




Hours of Operation
Monday – Friday: 8:00 AM 5:00 PM

Location Schedule
Monday, Wednesday and Thursday at 2055 West Hospital Drive, suite 145, Tucson. AZ 85704
Tuesday and Friday at 6565 E Carondelet Drive, STE 301 Tucson, AZ 85710


Best of the Northwest
The LowT Clinic BBB Business Review


1845 S Dobson Rd suite 204, Mesa, AZ 85202, USA


6565 E Carondelet Dr ste 301, Tucson, AZ 85710, USA